On the Road

The recent trip to Acadia yielded many hours in the car, actually many more than originally planned. As a photographer, this has benefits and drawbacks. If your journey is through beautiful countryside in good weather then picture opportunities pour in from every side. There were a few of these locations that gave our weary bodies a chance to get out of the compact Nissan Versa, stretch, breath the salty air from the ocean breeze, rejoice in a few days off, and enjoy the Maine countryside. I always look for a picture to open a trip that tells our destination. This two story crustacean was ideal.

Our route was North, along the Coastal highway.  It was Labor Day Weekend which is early for the leaves to change, even in Maine, but there were a few patches of color. There was enough to whet my appetite for the approaching Autumn.


Another roadside attraction can be the road itself.  The Penobscot Narrows Bridge was quite a sight along our route. The Bridge opened at the end of 2006 and appeared in Popular Science magazine as one of the 100 best innovations of the year.


One of the dangers of roadside photography, aside from the obvious, is increased time to destination.  It can be difficult to decide to stop if you’re running late for a reservation, wanting to catch a sunset at a specific location, or avoid a rainstorm in the distance.  


These are the unique but fun challenges my wife patiently endures on our vacations. She is a special woman