Summer in the city isn’t my favorite thing. I imagine the hubbub of life bustling around on the endless sweltering concrete slabs, the throngs of life teaming in the streets. I reminisce about horns, the din of jack hammers, cell phones, and multiple radio stations floating in the air. I’m prodded by the odor of city life, the stench of waste and heat that assaults the senses during a summer walk around town. It floods my olfactory memories. Sticky feelings of clothing that won't slide easily against my arms or thighs, because of perspiration trapped against my baking skin. The yearning for a breeze that isn’t tainted with poisonous exhaust choking me. I am not a city creature.
That’s why I enjoy cityscapes so much. They let the grandeur and pride of a city shine. When wonderful light baths a city with deep reflections and colors, its wonders beam for the world to take notice. Giants soar into the sky proclaiming their might and regal dignity for miles and miles. Silent strength pushes towards the heavens with grace and tranquility as all the realities of city life are scrubbed clean.
I imagine this is what architects dream about. I hope they do...
Nikon D4 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 62mm f/8 ISO 250 1/400 sec