April 2017 Desktop Calendar

So yes, I did miss a month, and I apologize, but sometimes life gets in the way. This photo was taken along the river walk in Philadelphia and it is of some Cherry Blossoms. The introduction of Spring feels delayed here in the Northeast this year so hopefully with the flowering of the Cherry Trees, Winter is safely behind us. Get outside and breath in the fresh air! (after taking your allergy medication of choice). Click here for the high resolution image of this desktop, and please share as much as you would like.

April 2017 Cherry Blossom Blur

#WildlifeWednesday Grizzly Bear

Since #WildlifeWednesday is here again I wanted to share another picture from the DDD ranch in Kalispell that I was visiting last December. I must admit that in this picture the Grizzly does look fairly docile and friendly, but don't let that Teddy Bear look fool you. I don't know what I would do if I saw on of these while walking in the woods taking a hike, but let me tell you, running or climbing is out of the question. This powerful beast was fast and spry, which is hard to image for something the weighs anywhere from 5-600 pounds. #Wildlife #grizzly #wilderness #wildlifephotography #nature

Grizzly Bear love

A Little Spring Time in Winter

I got to spend a little couples time with my wife this weekend at one of our favorite locations, #Longwood Gardens.  For a photographer it's nature in overdrive.  The #Christmas display was still up but this was the first time this year we got to see it during the day.  The Day Lilies were a welcome sight as the cold weather is finally creeping into the Northeast. #Nature #Flowers #Garden

Nikon D4 Tokina 100mm 2.8 macro lens at f/4 1/320sec ISO 100