It should be a reminder to us all, reflections that is. Yesterday as I gazed across Marsh Creek at the puffy clouds wafting high above, I couldn’t help but see their reflection in the water below. Each cloud was easily identifiable just like the greenery across the lake. It looked just like what was above, but somehow different. The water gave the view distortion from a gentle breeze that was imperceptible from the shore. It made me think about how and why I saw the world like I do. How many non perceptible forces create the lives we live? Feelings of loss or fear could cause ripples in all we perceive. Thoughts of elation or love can make the planet look different. How much of ourselves do we project onto our world? I took yesterday as a reminder that my reality could be far different from what I perceive it to be.
Nikon D800 Sigma 35mm f/1.4 @ 35mm f/9 ISO 100 1/640 sec