May 2014 Calendar

The picture this month is from a recent trip to Sedona Arizona. My wife and I took the opportunity to ride the wind and take a balloon ride over the Schnebly Hill Formation which makes up the red rocks of Sedona.

Click here to go to the calendar download page: May 2014

It’s About Timing

As Spring enters our senses and fills our sinuses with wonderful scents as well as pollen, timing can change the landscape dramatically. A few days before this picture the willows had no color, a few days later the trees behind them began their blooming. In a season when you never know if it will be raining for days on end I try to make the most of fleeting moments.

Nikon D800 Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 110mm f/7.1 ISO 400 1/400 sec

Spring Revisited

Every year I stop by this field because it blooms a color of bluish purple that covers the grass like a blanket for about a week. It’s a wonderful crack in the dormant browns and grays of winter. Anticipation of warm weather, colorful landscapes, and rebirth fills us all with hope. Welcome Spring.

Nikon D4 Nikkor 135mm f/2.0 DC @ f/2 ISO 400 1/1000 sec

I Don’t Give Up

Some mornings are just full of gloom. Dark skies, thick clouds, dreary days can weigh down the spirit. I have to remind myself that there are opposite days that greet us with color and light. Planning for these days can be tricky, just ask any weatherman / soothsayer. I just have to believe the good days outnumber the bad ones. I’m not convinced yet, but hopefully I’ll have many more chances.

D800 Tamron 16-28mm f/2.8 @ 16mm f/6.3 ISO 100 1/50 sec

A Special Day

Today marks the fourth anniversary of my wedding, so I thought it only fitting I share a picture taken during our honeymoon. We had decided to take ten days and see some of Italy. It was the longest vacation I had ever taken from work, but it was a wonderful experience. This was before I had ever entertained the idea of aspiring to become a photographer in any sense of the word, and looking back through the pictures I cringe often. But today’s not about that; it’s about remembering a beautiful week and a half I had with my new bride four years ago today. Happy anniversary my love.