The first big trip my wife and I took together was back in 2008 to the Grand Canyon. Neither of us had done a lot of recent travel, and it was on both of our “it would be cool to see” lists, so it seemed like a good idea.
Back in 2008 my camera skills were non existent, and the camera I had was an Olympus point and shoot. Not because it was a nice camera, but because it was small enough to fit in my pocket and was water resistant. This brings up the truest photography fact I have ever seen.
The best camera in the world is the one you have with you.
We spent our long weekend in Sedona Arizona and planned the day trip to the Grand Canyon for Sunday. It was just over a 3 hour drive to see this geological tour de force and as we neared our destination, fog and rain engulfed us. Our first views of this wonder consisted of nothing but clouds. Walking to the edge of a cliff looked like nothing special at all, just milky white cotton candy, as thick as pea soup. Rain poured for about 30 minutes and we drove sullenly around the southern rim and waited, peering out the rental car windows for any break in the fog.
After another half hour the sky seemed brighter and the wind had picked up. The rain had stopped and clouds rose out of the canyon. It was as if they suddenly remembered how to fly and up they went. The rest of the day was beautiful and fulfilling. If you ever have the chance, go and experience the Grand Canyon. To this day it is still one of the most amazing wonders I have ever seen.
Grand Canyon 2008
Olympus Digital Camera