We had an ice storm, which usually makes for slippery roads and nice pictures of glazed trees, but this condition went on far too long. It rained from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and ice collected on the trees. Often when this happens the temperature is warming so the ice that collects on the branches melts within a few hours. Sunshine helps this process and the crystal world disappears in a brief time. Yesterday the Sun never came out, and temperatures barely reached above freezing. The increasing weight of ice on the evergreen giants became unbearable. Every quarter hour or so, one of the coniferous titans would yield to the strain and erupt in a deafening crack. Part of the ice encased behemoth would fall from its great height and shatter against the ground, or a power line, or a house, or a car. Today, blue has returned to the skies and the Sun’s rays will hopefully ease the weight still clinging to the remaining tall trees of the Northeast. I’m ready for Spring.