One World Trade Center

During our recent trip to NYC a very special gift was given to me. Time was the gift bestowed on me that evening. My wife and I were on a ship in New York Harbor waiting for the fireworks show, which would obviously begin after sundown. The usual hustle and bustle of humanity surrounded our location on the water so our ship arrived at its floating resting place about two hours before the show. Over the passing quarter hours the Sun slowly bathed Manhattan in wonderful colors and shades of light. With nowhere to go, no place to be, no deadlines to satisfy, the minutes glowed with beautiful scenes all around. From watching the rays of violet and blue reflected off of One World Trade Center to holding my wife and keeping her warm, the gift of time was deep, rich and meaningful.

Nikon D4 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 190mm f/5.6 ISO 1800 1/400 sec