I know F1 cars are fast, and I mean amazingly fast, and I had heard about how fast their pit stops could be, but wow! To see it all happen so quickly was like watching a time lapse video of Michelangelo sculpting his David in 4 seconds. It unfolded before me like a work of art in flowing motion that boggled my mind lasting just longer than a full breath.
To set the scene I was walking down the inside access road headed down from the top of turn one at the Circuit of the Americas when I noticed that from this view I could get a perfect head on shot of the mighty F1 cars as they performed their pit stops, so I decided to hang out a few minutes to see how it would look in action. I wasn't disappointed. Two laps later a car (don't remember who at this point) pulled in for his pit stop towards the back of pit lane. As I watched it unfold a few things dawned on me. One, I would need to be ready and fast, for a bink could cause me to miss half of the action, and Two, I needed the Sauber C36 of Marcus Ericsson to come into the pits. His stall was the first one and the view was unobstructed by all the other apparatus in pit lane. My heart leapt when he pulled in...
Nikon D500 Nikkor 400mm f/2.8 @ 1/800sec F/4 ISO 80