
It’s a phenomenon that occurs when supercooled rain droplets land on something that has a subfreezing surface temperature. It makes for horrible driving conditions because roadways can become sheets of ice nearly instantaneously, but for Winter nature lovers it’s an optical delight. This past Saturday evening and into early Sunday morning conditions were perfect here in the Northeast for glazing.

Nikon D7100 Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 @ 240mm f/4.5 ISO 100 1/200 sec

Nikon D7100 Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 @ 120mm f/5.6 ISO 100 1/800 sec

Nikon D7100 Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 @ 120mm f/5.6 ISO 250 1/320 sec


It’s that little lift you need in the middle of a long day, or that shot of adrenalin before an important meeting, or even that stimulation to keep you awake as the hours grow late. For me, it’s espresso. Visiting Italy on my honeymoon I was introduced to this puny but potent powerhouse. It’s served in a mini coffee cup, called a demitasse, has a little saucer beneath it and usually a tiny spoon to stir any sweetener you choose. In Italy, it is offered after meals. I quickly embraced the tradition and I now delight in the little pick-me-up it conveys. My thanks to Italy, the coffee bean, and my eagerness to try foreign customs (although the three glasses of wine with dinner may have had something to do with it) for introducing this petite pleasure into my life.

Nikon D800 Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro @ 100mm f/14 ISO 100 2sec

#TravelTuesday The Caribbean

I thought, as my van was sliding its way along the snow covered roads this morning, that today’s travel post should remind us all that there are places to visit when we grow weary of our current situation. For the past few years my wife and I have visited someplace warm and tropical for a few days in the middle of Winter. I highly recommend this idea to anyone with seasonal blues. I believe anyone living North of the 35th parallel qualifies. I usually give the vacation as a Christmas present and my wife has always been most appreciative. So if I may suggest, if you have been wracking your brain about what give your significant other this holiday season, a few days away from the gloom of Winter, long hours relaxing on a sun soaked beach, island music and fruity drinks make the perfect gift. The bonus is that you get to go along.

Nikon D800 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 40mm f/14 ISO 100 30 sec

First Snow

The first snowfall brings a promise of beauty and wonder as the landscape is blanketed in white. The soft flakes seem full of glad tidings. Holidays are quickly approaching; evergreen trees begin their reign; icicles hang desperately from rooftops. In my youth the first snowflakes brought anticipation of sledding, time off from school and exhaustive snowball fights. Even now the magic of how much the world can change in the span of an hour is mystifying. Flurries that dance through the air and alight on all we see make the world sparkle with purity and freshness. It’s a special moment, that first snowfall.

Nikon D800 Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro @ 100mm f/22 ISO 800 1/60 sec flash 

A Different Kind of Landscape

When I think of landscape photography, I think of beautiful mountains, cloudy skies, sunsets, lakes, leaves, and many other aspects of nature. I was reminded during our recent trip to New York City that there are other types of landscapes. The repeating pattern of the bicycles is what drew my eye towards this picture. It was a crisp and somewhat chilly Sunday morning, and I assume that New Yorkers partake of many events on weekend mornings, but none that requires renting a bike. I think it’s a great way to get around the city, if your skills are up to the tasks of avoiding the motorists, suicidal pedestrians and random wandering pets. (At least I thought it was a pet I saw; how big can a rat get?). So New York, here’s an eco-friendly solution to at least some of your transportation needs. They’re waiting...

Nikon D800 Nikkor 28-300 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 28mm f/6.3 ISO 100 1/15 sec