
We had an ice storm, which usually makes for slippery roads and nice pictures of glazed trees, but this condition went on far too long. It rained from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and ice collected on the trees. Often when this happens the temperature is warming so the ice that collects on the branches melts within a few hours. Sunshine helps this process and the crystal world disappears in a brief time. Yesterday the Sun never came out, and temperatures barely reached above freezing. The increasing weight of ice on the evergreen giants became unbearable. Every quarter hour or so, one of the coniferous titans would yield to the strain and erupt in a deafening crack. Part of the ice encased behemoth would fall from its great height and shatter against the ground, or a power line, or a house, or a car. Today, blue has returned to the skies and the Sun’s rays will hopefully ease the weight still clinging to the remaining tall trees of the Northeast. I’m ready for Spring.

Nikon D800 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 82mm f/5.6 ISO 100 1/250 sec

The Cold Walk

It’s Winter, but I venture out. By February the ache of the frigid air has affixed itself to the inner linings of my knees and hips. It breaks away with forced movements, like a layer of ice after hours of sleep. There’s a dark numbing solitude that has laid claim to the back of my skull, like a pack of frozen peas on the back of my head, but I trudge onward. Like a zombie through a dead frozen world I walk. Nature is perplexed by my life force trespassing in Her world of slumber and death, but I walk on. The wind bites my lungs and dries my eyes. Its bone chilling movements slip inside my flesh and hold my organs in a frozen embrace. It’s cold, very cold. Dangerous ice beneath my feet becomes translucent, and the muck of the road stares up at me in twisted impressions suspended in time. I walk on, but more cautiously. I breathe, but not too deeply. I fixate on the steps before me. I curl my toes and I can feel them scrape the inner linings of my soles. “I’m ok, it’s not that cold.” I chant in my head. But it is that cold. A minor misstep, a small oversight, a slight miscalculation could have dire effects, in this season of bleakness. Fear grips its fingers around my psyche while I entertain various complications of my walk, but I beat it down with false confidence and years of experience. I keep moving, but slowed by gusts which push me back and steal my strength. I battle onwards. I walk.

Nikon D800 Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm f/13 ISO 100 1/500 sec

Nikon D800 Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm f/13 ISO 100 1/500 sec

Changes to the Chase

If you’re a NASCAR fan then today forever changed the way you will look at the championship. NASCAR officials announced changes to the “Chase For The Sprint Cup Championship” today, which could make the end of the season very close, competitive , and action packed. Years ago, when “The Chase” was introduced into the year long championship it was supposed to encourage more fans to watch races farther into the season. It was designed to keep the top twelve drivers on their toes by resetting the year’s long points system, and giving the top competitors a new and almost level playing field with only ten races left in a very long season. NASCAR has taken much criticism since its implementation, but now they have made some drastic changes in the end game, which could bring about NASCAR’s closest racing ever. I’m excited!

NASCAR video covering the changes:

Jimmie Johnson in Victory Lane at Dover International Speedway September 2013

Beach Weather

I realize a big part of the thill of hanging out on the beach is working on your tan, soaking in the golden rays of the sun, bronzing skin and looking hot in designer sunglasses, but this is not for everyone. I love when there’s action in the sky. Of course that can lead to rain soaked hours of huddling under a blanket, or a palm tree, or heading home, but every now and then, this happens…

Nikon D800 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 28mm f/6.3 ISO 100 1/125 sec