Memorial Day 2014

The unofficial start to Summer is finally here. Taking off a few days is a nice way to remember those we have lost in order to enjoy the freedoms we embrace. Maybe a visit to a memorial is in order this weekend. This picture is of the Chapel in Valley Forge National Historic Park. It’s from a few years ago, and seeing it again this weekend could appear on the agenda. To all who have served, your sacrifices are much appreciated.

Nikon D800 Tokina 16-28mm f/2.8 @ 18mm f/8 ISO 100 5 image HDR

Wildlife Wednesday: A Breakfast Bonus

Every now and then, when time and location permit, my wife and I have Sunday morning breakfast at a local restaurant called Hank’s Place. (Website) It’s located in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania and they have excellent food. The establishment sits just beside the Brandywine River which floods during high rainy spells and sometimes wreaks havoc in the area. A slight bonus that comes with the flooding are marshlands that collect fish and other food for predatory birds. Last evening I had a few service calls in the area which finished up while it was still light so I thought a little exploring was in order. I walked along the shoulder of Route 1 southbound beside the guardrail, glancing through the bushes and trees. Noticing the habita, I hoped would welcome hawks and woodpeckers. Many of the trees were dead and had holes at the top and had excellent perches for aviary wildlife. The other possible benefit was that the road noise would obscure my presence and I would be less spookable for whatever I found. Looking back over my shoulder, my eye caught a bright white object amid the sea of green and I was prepared. The egret noticed me immediately and only gave me a few brief seconds to fire off four frames before he relocated deep in the marsh. My favorite is here...

Nikon D800 Sigma 50-500mm f/4.5-6.3 @ 500mm f/8 with CP Filter, ISO 400 1/125sec


I’m Not Ignoring You

I promise, I really don’t mean to take so long between postings, but time is precious and limited in supply. With more and more time spent photographing sporting events, less time gets spent in the wild, searching for wonderful landscapes. I’m going to spend a little time next week covering some of the sports action I’ve gleaned in the past month or so, because I think I’ve captured a few really nice sports images. For now, here’s a picture from my visit to Marsh Creek State Park last week. The Sun was low in the sky so its golden light was caressing the colors of the trees on the right side of the picture. The green foliage in the background was in shadow. Have a wonderful weekend.

Nikon D800 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 250mm f/9 ISO 100 1/60 sec


I’d almost forgotten about evening. It barely existed in the shortened days of Winter. Now, as Spring swells its grip on the landscape, evenings lengthen days into the gradual dark of nightfall. It’s a time to reflect, a time to recuperate, a time to enjoy the light and sounds of the waning day. It’s a time of magical warmth and beauty as it blankets our world. It’s a time to be cherished.

Nikon D800 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 48mm f/29 ISO 100 13sec

Look Up

Every morning when I walk outside I look up. My mind gives it’s weather evaluation of what’s happening. Sometimes I’m met with bald blue skies and harsh sunlight; sometimes beautiful clouds float magically overhead, and sometimes I get an eyeful of rain. I get a little smile on my face when I see wispy paths of white, or puffy balls of fluffy cotton floating in the morning light. Sometimes it’s like a motion picture that I could lie on my back and watch for hours. The scene below happened a few weeks ago while I was trying to make a different photograph. I looked up and the sky above me was amazing. The subtle reflections of light through the oncoming storm clouds were mesmerizing, and I thought this picture was even better than what I was trying to capture in front of me.