The Subject

For the past few months I’ve been given a special gift in a way. I’m a sports photographer and with that moniker certain photographic attributes present themselves. In my pictures usually the subject is well defined. It needs to be. It’s what I was taking a picture of. It’s my job. In sports often the subject is an athlete doing what they do best, either hitting, catching, racing, celebrating victory or emoting their despair in defeat. My challenge is to soak in that specific moment of time, capture everything I can about it, and convey it to whomever views my picture. It’s this challenge that separates an artist from someone just pushing a button. Whether it's an all star pitcher delivering the ball to home plate, a colorful racecar speeding around a track, or the soft morning light glowing through the branches of a dew filled sapling, it’s the subject of the photograph that carries the weight of a moment through time. Challenge accepted.

Morning Glow: Nikon D4 Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro @ f/5.6 1/200 sec ISO 640

October 2014 desktop calendar

Well, I've been very busy, but I did want to make sure I at least got a claendar out for everyone. I thought I would go spookey this monthe because of Halloween and the fact that the color change hasn't really happened in the trees here. I'm ready for that!

You can Download the high res image here:  October 2014

September 2014 Calendar

It's that time again... time to prepare for chillier weather, back to school, autumn colors and the changing of the seasons. Your calendar this month comes from a recent weekend get-a-way that Heidi and I took to visit Gettysburg Battlefield during Labor Day weekend. I was lucky to snap this picture as I had no idea that any weapons demonstrations were scheduled that day. There were two canons in this location which were to be fired together. I had no idea this was taking place, but hurried over to the attraction when the explosion occurred. One of the canons misfired, meaning that it never fired its load and had to be reset and attempted to fire gain. In the mandatory two minute wait, I scrambled into a position to try and capture the fire from the explosion and the billowing smoke from the front of the big gun.

Enjoy, and have a great September

You can Download the high res image here: September 2014

Nikon D4 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 82mm f/5.6 ISO 400 1/1000 sec


It's just been crazy

Don't for a second think I'm not out there working hard and photographing as much as possible. It's just that with so much of my work devoted to sports, sometimes I don't have the time I wish I had to devote to travel and nature photography. When I decided to pursue a second career in photography I had no idea the tremendous amount of time it would occupy, just to get my name out there and get my work seen. Things are happening and I am finally achieving some of my photography goals. I am optimistic about the future and look forward to many more blog posts celebrating the beauty of our world and the wonders all around.

Nikon D4 Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 28mm Nikon polarizing filter, f/8 ISO 320, 1/400 sec

August 2014 Calendar

I know, I know, I'm a little late with this one, and I'm sorry. It's just been real busy.

The picture for this month's calendar I took from a ship in the middle of New York Harbour. My wife and I were on a dinner cruise to see the fireworks for the Independence Day celebration last month.

August 2014

Click here to download high res image.