January 2015 Desktop Calendar

Happy new year to everyone. Hopefully this year will be filled with wonderful experiences, unforgettable excitement, magical moments and unforeseeable greatness.

Just click on the image to be taken to the download page. Enjoy

Just click on the image to be taken to the download page. Enjoy

December 2014 Desktop Calendar

I know I've been a little less then prolific with blog posts for a while now, but life has been busy. For now enjoy the December 2014 desktop calendar. Click here to take you to the high res download page and select the December 2014 calendar. Best wishes for outstanding hollidays!

The Time is Now

The fleeting remnants of Autumn float by in the breezes. Now is the time to grab your camera and capture the kaleidoscope of glorious colors adrift in the landscape. Here in the Northeast it’s a great time for an afternoon drive to soak in the magnificent shades and glows of the leaves as they breathe their last breaths in preparation for the inevitable Winter.

Nikon D4 Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 110mm f/14 1/50sec ISO 125

Nikon D4 Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 85mm f/3.5 1/2500 sec ISO 125