Believe it or not as a sports photographer I have been very lucky with the weather. I have taken pictures in the freezing cold with snow this past winter, but I never had the opportunity to shoot in the rain... until last Sunday. The gear I use is weather resistant which means it should work in minor watery situations. I wouldn’t submerge my cameras to test them, but a mild rain / heavy drizzle they have always come through just fine. During the Phoenix game last Sunday it rained, hard enough for me to get out the raincoat, and rain gear to protect my Nikon D4. It looked like I was holding something up to my face that was big and heavy and wrapped up in a big black cloth, but I quickly got used to its Velcro openings and access holes for normal camera operation. Here’s some of my favorites from that rain soaked game.
Nikon D4 Sigma 50-500mm f/4.5-6.3 @ 210mm f/6.3 1/1000 sec ISO 1600