May 2015 Desktop Calendar

Feels like forever since I've written, and I'm sorry about that. I'll try to stay more current in the upcoming months. Your May calendar photo is from trip my wife and I took to Sedona AZ last year. It seems there are beautiful vistas everywhere in Sedona, so capturing a wonder like this isn't to hard. We were right off the road obviously.
You can download the high resolution version here: May 2015

Sedona AZ

April 2015 Desktop Calendar

This month's desktop calendar picture is from a trip my wife and I took late last year to Sedona AZ. We had enough time during one of our days there to visit the Grand Canyon. If you've never been, I can't describe what an amazing place it is. One tiny world of advice about visiting the Grand Canyon as a photographer. You need some weather for the best pictures. If there's no clouds in the sky, or fog in the canyon, it just looks like a big ugly hole. Weather, even a tiny bit, makes it miraculous. You can download the high resolution desktop here: April 2015

NASCAR at Atlanta Motor Speedway

It was cold, very cold. Living outside of Philadelphia I look forward to traveling southward during the winter. Cars don't race in the snow so at least for the early part of the season I get the added benefit of enjoying the sunshine and lack of freezing rain, or so I thought. Race day was cold and rainy, the temperature hovered around 45 degrees for most of the race but there was a fine mist that delayed the start and just hung in the air. Congratulations to Jimmie Johnson for his win, and locking in a spot in the Chase later this the year. Please enjoy a few of my favorite pictures from the weekend.